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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Diaper Number 53

I was changing diaper number 53 (or so it seemed) when it came to me, what would it be like to compete in a speed diaper changing competition. Ever considered it? I doubt it because I realize there are more important things to consider like what happens after a person dies and who you hang around with in life but lets have a thought digression for a minute.

Basically the competition could be called, how fast can you change a diaper? You may laugh at the thought or even that I was considering this but what else do you think about when you change a diaper?
If you've never changed a diaper than you'll have to imagine with me for moment. But yes, I've thought about timing it. I wonder if there's a record. Of course it all depends on the type of mustard or tar and the liquid of course.

Then another thought came to me. Barack Obama speaks about change does he not? His slogan I believe is: Change we can Believe in. Maybe his change has something to do with diapers? Perhaps he thinks he wants to change America's diapers. Oh the humanity!
Ok, just a thought.

Anyways, when I change a diaper and I am quite new at it which is probably obvious since I'm writing a blog post about it but you have to ask yourself what's the consistency and texture being dealt with at the time of the change. Many of you already knew this, but texture can be everything when you're changing a diaper. A thicker texture and more of it (greater quantity) would definitely slow a person down during a speed competition. The more liquid and you're dealing with more weight.... I think it would be tough to judge such a competition with so many variables
In the mean time, I practice because practice makes perfect. However, there's a balance between getting too fast and not getting sloppy. I doubt I'll ever get too fast though because you want to make sure you actually change your baby's diaper and she isn't going to be laughed at in public on account of a poor diaper change by her father.

Note: Writing Plethora has changed it's name to Diaper Number 53. You will note that only the name of this blog has changed (without a diaper) but the content will remain as usual.


Becky said...

ha ha ha!!! :-) I'm glad you can right something funny about this. It took us a while to get used to changing diapers. I thought it was a little scary.
What a funny post! I like your sense of humor Timmy.

Unknown said...

You never cease to amuze me, Beep:)