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Monday, December 18, 2006

12 days to Marital Bliss

It's 12 days, not to Christmas but to my wedding day and I can say with confidence, I am ready! The best part is despite what some people might think, I am NOT getting cold-feet because I'm wearing socks and shoes. Even better, is that I plan to take socks and shoes along with me to South Dakota where it gets a bit nippy outside during the winter. Yes, it will probably be below 15 degrees during the day but I look forward to having more than clothes to keep me warm. My Sweetheart, whom I get to marry (Lord willing) is my ultimate source of warmth---inside and out. Thankfully God created her for me. For those of you who know Reada and for those who don't, she is warm hearted, lovable, huggable and sweet.

If you'd like to read a story about how Reada and I met, please visit our new website (enter the site). Once inside the site, you can save the homepage in your favorites for quick retrieval later without needing to open the "areyougood" test page each time. If you are planning to attend the wedding, I look forward to seeing you there (Lord willing, of course). If not, please check back here and the website for updates after we are married! Have a blessed Christmas.

Verse for today's post: Matthew 1:21 "She will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."


Reada said...

Yea!!! We're getting married!

Becky said...

Congratulations! :-) That was the most beautiful wedding I have ever seen. Eric liked it too. :-D Love, Becky and David