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Monday, September 11, 2006

Not Forgotten

Five years ago today, thousands were killed in one of the worst attacks on U.S. soil. Many of you will be able to vividly recall the images of passenger airliners as they were seen crashing into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City. I remember seeing people waving for help as smoke billowed from the towering building windows. I remember seeing bodies falling as people jumped. We remember learning how the planes were hijacked by Islamic terrorists whose only desire is to kill us and Jews and to ultimately convert the world to the religion of Islam. We remember the two additional flights as they were flown toward the capital building and the Pentagon. We remember learning how a hijacked flight was brought down over Pennsylvania by brave passengers and kept from crashing into the capital.

We must not forget that evil exists and surrounds us daily. While God leaves Christians here on this earth, we must not forget the evil that occurred on this day exactly 5 years ago. Are we prepared for and aware of the evil which still exists?

Let us Christians not forget to, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

1 comment:

Becky said...

Did you see the movie (2 part series) on ABC? I think it was pretty well done and replayed a lot of the events. It was pretty scary to watch again.